Book: Team Guide to Software Operability

In all 10 specimens, the head-mounted reference array and headholder-based system were compared by 10 repetitive measurements. The deviation was evaluated for each screw and compared using nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test between groups and screws. Reliability is reduced by reducing n and increased by increasing m .

He’s especially interested in Quality Engineering, Test Coaching, Testability, and Testing in Production. There are certain kinds of production shortfall that Operability does not cover. The policy adds these uncovered shortfalls to achieved production and compares the combination to the Term Floor. Learn how a focus on software operability helps to increase system reliability, reduce problems in Production, and reduce total cost of ownership . Results of a multicenter survey showing interindividual variability among neurosurgeons when deciding on the radicality of surgical resection in glioblastoma highlight the need for more objective guidelines. Effect of the extent of surgical resection on survival and quality of life in patients with supratentorial glioblastomas and anaplastic astrocytomas.

Team Guide to Software Operability

Production operations is the department charged with the sustainable business performance of an asset, while facility operations is the department that has custody of and controls the facility. Results of a HAZOP study are compared to industry, government, and insurance standards to ensure that proper plans are in place and that rules and regularions are being followed. Facility operability is the ability of an organization to operate a facility in a safe and efficient manner.


Life-cycle cost data is obtained from six main central business districts across Australia. Life-cycle cost data is one of the significant inputs in this study because the proposed life-cycle cost model uses these cost data to select the optimum solutions. Cost calculations for each of the key credit criteria are illustrated under separate headings in this chapter. In this study, the impacts of ZnO Nanoparticles on the microbial community in enhanced biological phosphorus removal system and its recoverability were investigated. High-throughput sequencing was applied to study the microbial community shift.

A perspective into Operability and how it can be an effective tool to manage risk in conjunction with testing

For Aasta Hansteen FPSO, ABB Process Performance reviewed key systems and found 57 operability issues ahead of the process start-up. All issues was fixed by re-engineering the process control logic. In this paper the performance of various simple systems of components in series and in parallel has been examined in terms of the performance of the individual components. The particular concepts considered are reliability and operability, the first being defined as the probability that a component will operate at all, and the second describing the operation of a component with respect to a particular variable.


If there is an Automatic Time-out the Term Floor and Premium will be reduced, shrinking the policy. To reflect Discretionary Time-outs the Term expiry date will be extended (e.g. a Term of 365 days suspended after 100 days will resume with 265 days remaining). “Discretionary Time-out” – the Term can be suspended by the oil company voluntarily.

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Adding components in series will shift the operability distribution to the right, whereas adding them in parallel will shift the distribution to the left. In both cases the spread is reduced, although skewness may be introduced. The capability of the software product to enable the user to operate and control it. Another, much more medical way to use this adjective is to mean „able to be treated with an operation,” like an operable knee problem or operable skin cancer.

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  • Information about the developed approaches can be found at reference below.
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  • Learn how metrics can help your software team answer questions like “How fast are we going?
  • This chapter focuses on the life-cycle cost calculations for this study.
  • The Team Guide books are written and curated by experienced software practitioners and emphasise the need for collaboration and learning, with the team at the centre.

To avoid such “non-production” being treated by the policy as uncovered shortfall the Insured is expected to declare the shutdown and its estimated duration (“Declared Shutdown Days”). The asset’s performance will not be counted by the policy from when the shutdown starts until all the Declared Shutdown days have elapsed. During this time Par Daily Production is reduced to zero and any actual production will not be included in the calculation of achieved production versus Term Floor. This chapter focuses on the life-cycle cost calculations for this study. Net present value technique is used to calculate the present value of money in life-cycle cost calculation. Present value of annuity is considered for calculating the present value of annually recurring cost over the lifecycle of 60-year period.

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What is operability in software is the ability to keep an equipment, a system or a whole industrial installation in a safe and reliable functioning condition, according to pre-defined operational requirements. In a computing systems environment with multiple systems this includes the ability of products, systems and business processes to work together to accomplish a common task such as finding and returning availability of inventory for flight. In the gas turbine engine business, engine operability is the ability of the engine to operate without compressor stall or surge, combustor flame-out or other power loss. Operability is considered one of the ilities and is closely related to reliability, supportability and maintainability. Operability also refers to whether or not a surgical operation can be performed to treat a patient with a reasonable degree of safety and chance of success.

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4 Ways to Use ChatGPT in Low-code Test Automation Excited by the potential of ChatGPT to enhance your software testing strategies? See how the mabl team harnessed ChatGPT for low-code test automation. Chrysalis can also consider reducing the Premium in exchange for the Insured’s agreement to pay “Term Operability Surplus”. Term Operability Surplus is defined as a specific share of aggregate over-production excess of a pre-agreed “Term Cap”.

Words nearby operable

We say that a software system with good operability works well and is operable. A highly operable software system is one that minimizes the time and effort needed for unplanned interventions in order to keep the system running. A one-dimensional mathematical model of the fluid dynamics and combustion process in a bubbling fluidized bed was developed. In the bubble phase, the model includes the throughflow and bypass flow, which crosses the bed without taking part in combustion because of the preferential bubble paths expected in large fluidized-bed systems. Unlike in the classic approach, the emulsion phase was considered not to remain under minimum fluidization conditions, and the influence of downward particles was considered.


An operable software system is one which delivers not only reliable end-user functionality, but also works well from the perspective of the operations team. For a gas turbine engine, operability addresses the installed aerodynamic operation of the engine to ensure that it operates with care-free throttle handling without compressor stall or surge or combustor flame-out. There must be no unacceptable loss of power or handling deterioration after ingesting birds, rain and hail or ingesting or accumulating ice. Design and development responsibilities include the components through which the thrust/power-producing flow passes, ie the intake, compressor, combustor, fuel system, turbine and exhaust. The engine has to start to idle and accelerate and decelerate within agreed, or mandated, times while remaining within operating limits over the required aircraft operating envelope.

Facility operability

This chapter focuses on Green Star Design and As-Built version 1.1 rating tool. Before calculating the life-cycle cost for credits, it was necessary to have a clear understanding of the credits. Therefore, this chapter presents a thorough analysis of each of the credits. The analysis revealed various types of credits such as conditional credits that are mandatory to achieve, additional credits with additional credit points, same credits that can be achieved using different pathways and so on. This chapter also identified certain credits that needs to be eliminated prior to life-cycle cost calculations.

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